I can't believe I forgot to post this! In October 2011 President Dieter F. Uchtdorf gave a great talk titled, "Forget Me Not". It was such a great talk!! To read it, click here.

Deseret Book now sells a book with quotes from his talk. It's filled with great, inspiring quotes that would mean so much to any woman!
Deseret Book is also selling forget me not flower grow kits. They are mini flower pots with seeds to grow your own forget me not flowers. I really want one of these in my home so I can always remember that I am never forgotten. I'm planning to buy one for each of the sisters I visit teach. For only $1.49 each, you can almost afford one for every mother in your life. Sadly, though these are out of stock until after Mother's Day. They get shipped from China and are stuck at customs. :( Bummer! But, nothing wrong with sending a little post-Mother's Day gift! Would also make a great birthday gift, or you can give them for no reason at all--because you are NOT forgotten :)
Funny that you posted this. I bought the little flower pot things just like these at the dollar spot right after Valentine's day when they were 75% off so I got it for a quarter! I was actually planning on heading over to Deseret Book today for the book to go along with it!